Release: Feb 12, 2021

Local & Reviews 

1. Reviews Summary Revamped Dashboard 

Opportunity: Single screen for a business to views its reviews performance and take key actions for all or select business locations 

Solution: With the revamped Reviews Summary dashboard, businesses can view the average performance of their reviews across all business profiles, view top review sources, take actions for reviews needing immediate attentionand more.  

Let’s show you the key widgets of the revamped Reviews Summary Dashboard:  

i. Total Reviews Count/Average Star Rating 

On the top widget of the Reviews Summary Dashboard businesses can now view the number of total reviews, average rating across all reviews, and number of reviews that have been responded and those that are unresponded  

By clicking on ‘Responded’ or ‘Unresponded’, the business will be shown the reviews on the ‘My Reviews’ tab.  


The reviews will be segregated based on their Average Star Rating and the business can choose to filter reviews by day, week, or month.  


ii. Top Review Sources 

Business can view their top review sources such as Google My Business, Yelp and so on. By clicking on the source, the business will be shown the review from that particular source on the ‘My Reviews’ tab.  


iii. Recent Reviews 

On this widget, the business will be shown ‘Reviews needing attention’ based on their star rating and those that haven’t been responded to. Businesses can respond to the review here by writing a response and clicking on ‘Post’.  


In addition, the widget will also display the most recent reviews that have come on to the platform under ‘Recent Activity’.  


Businesses can also filter reviews based on ‘Trending Keywords’. Click on the keyword to be shown all reviews that contain the keyword.  


2. Addition of services for non-US regions 

Opportunity: Ability to add services to business locations for non-US regions to be a relevant search online and improve engagement.  

Solution: On the Profile Summary screen, all businesses functioning in non-US regions across the globe can now add services to their profile that will be reflected on their local panel and GMB - for them to be the pick of relevant ‘near-me' searches for the services on offer.  

Based on the primary and business categories chosen by the business profile or location, they will have relevant services to choose from.  

Here, the business location has added auto repair shop, car dealer, auto parts shop, etc., as its primary and additional categories.  


On the Local Profile Summary screen, click on ‘Edit’ by ‘Services and choose the most relevant services automatically displayed based on the category chosen. Click on the category till it is highlighted in blue and click on ‘Apply’.  


3. Instagram Crawler Added 

We have now added the Instagram crawler to monitor the consistency of the Name and URL of the listing.  


Schema Manager 

1. Wikipedia integration when adding Schemas 

Opportunities: Reference unambiguous entity within a schema type to indicate an items identity, thus improving the trust factor of schemas and influence knowledge graph results 

Solution: On the Schema Editor, businesses can now refer to Wikipedia entities within their schema type to create schemas with the improved trust factor. 

Let’s show you how you can refer to a Wikipedia entity as the value for a schema property that you have chosen. Let’s assume that you are tagging your webpage with an ‘Organization’ schema. Using the ‘Same As’ and ‘Additional Type’ properties, you can now integrate your organization's Wikipedia page. Click on ‘Add Properties’, choose ‘Same As’, and click on ‘Refer Wikipedia’.  



Add your organization name, and click on ‘Start’. The page will display the most relevant Wikipedia pages. Choose your organization’s Wikipedia page.  


Click here to see if it’s the correct page. You will be redirected to the actual Wikipedia page on another tab. If the page is correct, click on ‘Save’.  


As soon as you click on ‘Save’, the Wikipedia reference of your organization will be added as a value for Same As 


2. Schema Navigator – Visualization for published schemas and entity relationships 

Opportunity: Offer an easy-to-understand representation of entity relationships based on the schemas published to help visualize and create a nested schema architecture 

Solution: With the Schema Manager Navigator you can now view the defined relationship of the published schemas and identify relationship gaps to create a perfect nested schema architecture for your webpage.  

Schema Manager > Schema Audit > Navigator 

On the Navigator tab, you will see a list of URLs that have published schema. Click on the URL you wish to see the relationship of its schemas and sub-types and the overall entity relationship. Here you can see that the URL contains 3 primary schema types (dark blue) having nested sub-schema types as property values (lighter shades of blue).  Two primary schemas – FAQ page and Web Page are related to each other (FAQ is the main content of the Web page). Similarly, Organization is currently not related to any schema type on this page.  Identifying the gap between the relationship is key in creating a well-defined nested schema architecture.   


Note: The colors of the schema types and the properties on the visualization resemble the hierarchy of the schema and its subtypes on the Schema Editor. 


Tip: View the schema code by clicking on ‘Code’.  



You can mouse scroll to zoom in and out, click and drag to order the schema types and properties in the visualizer, reset the order and even click on the download button to grab a screen of the visual.  

You can also view the visualization of the schema types and their properties on the Schema Editor. When you click on ‘Save and Generate’, click on the Visualization button.  


3. Annotations added to the key Schema Manager screens 

Adding to annotations available on the Schema Summary, Schema Visibility, and Search Performance (Pages and Rich Results) screens, we have implemented weekly annotations for key Schema Manager widgets on the ‘Schema Visibility’ screen.  


Here too, since the schema manager widgets display the data on a weekly basis, all the annotations during a particular week are summarized at the end of the week as seen below. 


To add an annotation, first, click on the drop-down by each widget and then click on . Enter the relevant fields from the drop-down, enter the date, annotation text, choose the visibility (shared or private) and then click on ’Apply’.  



1. Quick Download column added to the ‘Report Summary’ screen 

We have added the ‘Quick Download’ column where businesses can download any report that has been generated. For Analytics reports, the reports will be downloaded in PDF format.  


2. Google Ads – Paid Media Reporting 

Businesses can now analyze the performance of their paid media campaigns on the Paid Media Reporting section on MPC.  

Once on MPC click on ‘Reports > Click on the Analytics drop-down > Click on Paid Media Reports – Revenue or Paid Media Reports – Leads.  

Currently, the Paid Media Reporting covers 2 types of clients:  

  • Revenue clients: Shows conversion metrics like Revenue, Bookings, ROAS, CPA (Bookings) 

  • Leads clients: Shows conversion metrics like Leads, CPA (Leads) 

Source: Google Ads (based on Paid channels attribution only) 

Businessses can analyze their performance on the MPC UI or choose to download a PDF Report and carry out the following functions:  

  • Schedule Report for One-time and Monthly basis for single or multiple users. 

Click on ‘Export’ and choose ‘Schedule’.  


Choose ‘One-time’ or ‘Monthly’. Then choose the date, file type (PDF) and click on ‘Schedule’. 

Inserting image...  

Note: One time and monthly report will always show data for the previous month. 

  • Access reports from Reporting summary or Email notifications. 

Businesses can look at their reports either on the Reporting Summary or enter their email ID to receive the one-time or monthly reports.   


  • Generate PDF or check in UI preview for a single profile at a time 

Navigate to the ‘Report Summary’ tab and choose a report you wish to download in PDF format.  Click on the ‘Actions’ button to download a PDF report.  You can also click on the report to view the performance on the UI.  

Section/Widgets of the Paid Media Reporting – Revenue and Leads 

Overall Summary: 

  • Score Cards (Major KPIs) 

Paid Media Revenue Reporting:  

The report will display key revenue KPIs such as impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), Revenue, Cost, Rate of Advertisement Spend, and Estimated Phone Revenue.  


Paid Media Leads Reporting:  

The Overall Summary in the Paid Media Leads Reporting will display key KPIs such as impressions, clicks, CTR, leads, Cost of the campaign, Cost per Action (CPA), and Estimated Phone Revenue.  


  • Executive Summary 

Displays the Highlights and Opportunities for each business profile for a certain time frame (monthly or quarterly). Users can add summary from MPC Analytics > Executive Summary to show in reporting PDF and UI.  


  • Breakdown by Channel (Bar chart) 

Shows Paid channel contribution in percentage for different KPIs in a stacked bar chart.  


  • Breakdown by Channel (Table) 

Shows Paid channel contribution for different KPIs in the table.  

Paid Media Revenue Reporting:  


Paid Media Leads Reporting:  


Paid Search Google Reporting:  

Displays the key Google Ads KPIs and performance metrics for the period selected.  

  • Score Cards (Major KPIs) 

Paid Media Revenue Reporting: 

Displays major revenue KPIs such as performance, clicks, CTR, Cost, CPC, Rate of Advertisement Spend, Click to calls, Estimated Phone Revenue, Bookings, Revenue, and Cost Per Action.  


Paid Media Leads Reporting: 

Displays major KPIs such as impressions, clicks, CTR, Cost, CPC, click to calls, Estimate Phone Revenue, Leads, and Cost per Action (CPA).  


  • Website Clicks 


  • Website Cost 


  • Website Bookings (Line Chart) 


  • Website Revenue (Line Chart) 


  • Revenue by Device (Pie Chart) 

Shows contribution of Revenue for different device types 


  • Cost by Device (Pie Chart) 

Shows contribution of Cost for different device types 


  • Top 10 Campaign (Top 10 records in Table) 
  • Shows top 10 campaign performance sorted by Revenue 


  • Shows top 10 campaign performance sorted by Leads 


  • Monthly Performance (Table) 
  • Shows monthly performance for different KPIs with YoY comparison and Total for Paid Media Revenue 


  • Shows monthly performance for different KPIs with YoY comparison and Total for Paid Media Leads 


  • Ad Copy Report (Top 10 records in Table) 

Shows top 10 Ads performance for different KPIs sorted by 1. Revenue andClicks (in case revenue is 0, the report is sorted based on clicks)