CMS – System Architecture

Milestone CMS is constructed upon the Microsoft .NET framework and utilizes SQL Server and Azure Cosmos NoSQL as data storage solutions. The CMS employs a multi-level caching approach to serve website content, including CDN Edge cache, local page cache, and database cache.

The rendering of CMS pages involves the aggregation of data from diverse sources, such as static content, reusable content, content from the MPC, inventory data, and additional content obtained from third-party systems.

Azure service bus is used for performing certain asynchronous tasks like language translation, assets update etc.


CMS Deployment Architecture

Typical CMS Pod structure with multi-tenant shared environment  

  • One Pod = One Azure VM
  • Single pod hosts multiple sites
  • IIS Server and instance of SQL Server are running on the VM.  
  • One web app running on IIS with multiple site bindings for all the sites running on the pod.
  • Each pod has its own database running on local SQL Server instance. In some cases, SQL Server runs as managed instance.

Single pod structure


All VMs Deployment on AzureA screenshot of a computer

A screenshot of a computer

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