User Roles

Welcome to Milestone Presence Cloud! Wondering what awesome stuff your user role allows you to do? This article will explain just that.

1. Identify your user role

First, let’s identify what your role type is, if you have not already done so! From your Presence Cloud dashboard, click on the user icon on the top right-hand side of the navigation bar:

You shall be re-directed to your user page like the one below:

Just under the name you should see the type of user role. In the above case the user is a ‘Contributor’:

2. User roles in Milestone Presence Cloud

 The key user roles offered by Milestone Presence Cloud are:

  1. Reader: Read-only access to the platform
  2. Contributor: Reader + writer access on the platform
  3. Business Administrator: Contributor + additional Administrative privileges to manage a business
  4. Agency Administrator: Administration access for digital marketing agencies to manage multiple businesses

Let’s understand what all actions one can perform for each user role. 

3. Reader access

If you have a ‘Reader’ role, you will be able to view all dashboards and generate reports. You shall have READ only access to:

  • Main Presence Cloud Dashboard
  • Analytics dashboard (if your business has subscribed for the Analytics module)
  • Insights SEO Summary and other Insights tabs like Speed & Optimization, Schema, Voice, Keywords, Backlinks (if your business has subscribed for the Insights module)
  • Local dashboard – Listing Status by Location, Listing Status by Source, Single Listing Status (if your business has subscribed for the Local module)
  • Reviews dashboard and Competitor Reviews (if your business has subscribed for the Reviews module)
  • Reports – all Local/Analytics/Schema reports

However, you shall NOT be able to make updates such as:

  • Fill Profile Information – details about the business’s location(s)
  • Make changes to Profile Summary in Local – add short/long description, business hours, images, attributes (if subscribed for Local)
  • Login to CMS module (if subscribed for CMS)
  • Respond to reviews from Reviews module (if subscribed for Reviews)


4. Contributor access

As a Contributor, you shall have all privileges that a Reader role has, plus writer access to update various information on the Presence Cloud platform. Some of the common task you shall be able to perform:

Main Presence Cloud Dashboard

  • Analytics dashboard (if your business has subscribed for the Analytics module)
  • Insights SEO Summary and other Insights tabs like Speed & Optimization, Schema, Voice, Keywords, Backlinks (if your business has subscribed for the Insights module)
  • Local dashboard – Listing Status by Location, Listing Status by Source, Single Listing Status (if your business has subscribed for the Local module)
  • Reviews dashboard and Competitor Reviews (if your business has subscribed for the Reviews module)
  • Reports – all Local/Analytics/Schema reports
  • Fill Profile Information – details about the business’s location(s)
  • Make changes to Profile Summary in Local – add short/long description, business hours, images, attributes (if subscribed for Local)
  • Login to CMS module (if subscribed for CMS)
  • Respond to reviews from Reviews module (if subscribed for Reviews)
  • Perform Source Configuration of various data sources such as Facebook, Google, Yelp, Expedia and more
  • Export or Import Keywords for a profile from Profile Settings (based on your Insights plan)
  • Update competitor details (if you've subscribed for Insights or Reviews)


5. Business Administrator access

As a Business Administrator, not only will you have all the read and write privileges that a Contributor has, you shall also be able to perform certain administrative tasks that you can perform beyond the ones stated under Contributor role. Some of them are:

  • Add new users to your Business
  • Update roles of existing users within your business
  • Add or remove access of a user to a profile (i.e. location) within a business

6. Agency Administrator access

If you are a digital marketing strategist working for a digital marketing agency (including Milestone’s own service team) managing Analytics / Paid Media / Technical SEO / Social / Promotion for multiple clients, then this role is for you. With this user role, you shall be able to manage multiple clients from our Presence Cloud platform without the need to login separately each time. You shall be able to:

  • Use business search to switch between businesses
  • View all dashboards and reports for a business
  • Refresh the listing status of a directory from Local dashboards
  • Perform Refresh to auto add competitors to Competitor list from Profile Settings for a profile
  • Fetch suggested keywords for a profile
  • White-list a listing