
Examples in UI/PDF

1. Scorecards

Show value of the metrics for the reporting month along with a comparison with the same month the previous year (YoY).

2. Scorecard (Paid Media)

This section of the Overall Performance Scorecard shows the Paid Media channel performance. The Paid Media Performance section is displayed only when the client has active paid media campaigns, this information can be found in the last 3 columns of the Overall Performance Scorecard. 

3. Monthly bar chart

For a particular metric, this chart shows one bar for each month of the current year and all months of the previous year. The same months of the current and previous year are shown side by side for comparison purposes. It also shows the YTD (from Jan to reporting month) value of the metric on the top left. It also shows monthly data of the current and previous year in tabular format along with a YoY comparison. The current month bar and tabular data are highlighted in grey.

4. Horizontal stacked bar chart

Shows the breakdown of the metric by one of its dimensions for the reporting month. This is presented as a divided bar laid out horizontally. It also shows a table underneath the chart showing the breakdown of the metric by its dimension.

5. Vertical Stacked bar chart

Shows the breakdown of multiple metrics and their contributing channels for the reporting month. This is presented as multiple vertical divided bars charts (one bar for each metric). The table below the chart shows the value of each metric for each channel in the selected reporting month. 

6. Pie chart & Table

The breakdown of the metric is shown as a pie chart. The feature displays two pie charts, the pie chart on top represents the selected month and the pie chart below represents the corresponding month in the previous year. On the left are the numerical values of the variables. 


Overall Performance


Widget Type




Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total revenue generated on your website.

Google Analytics


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total number of successful transactions on your website.

Google Analytics

Hard Conversions

Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total number of user actions on the website indicating high interest in the service/product. This metric is shown only when Revenue data is not available.

Google Analytics

Website Leads

Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total number of leads generated from website; Leads count includes Clicks to Booking Engine Entrances, RFP Submissions, Phone Clicks, Contact Form Submissions, and Email Offer/Subscribe Submissions.

Google Analytics


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total number of times users visited your website.

Google Analytics



The number of times any URL from your site appeared in search results viewed by a user for any of these channels: Local, Organic Search, Paid Search, Paid Social

Across GSC, GMB and Paid platforms (Google Ads, Facebook, Bing and others)

Revenue by Devices

Pie Chart

Shows Revenue generated on your website, segregated by device type (desktop or tablet or mobile)

Google Analytics

Revenue by Channels

Horizontal stacked bar chart

Shows Revenue generated on your website, segregated by marketing channels (Direct, Local, Organic Search, Paid Search etc.). We show top 6 channels and club any remaining channels under "Remain Channels".

Google Analytics

Hard Conversions By Channels

Horizontal stacked bar chart

Shows Hard Conversions actions on your website, segregated by marketing channels (Direct, Local, Organic, Paid, etc.). This metric is shown only when Revenue data is not available. We show the top 6 channels and club any remaining channels under "Remain Channels".

Google Analytics

Total Hard Conversions


Shows the monthly breakdown for all months of the current year for different actions on the website constituting total Hard Conversions.

Google Analytics

Group Leads

Monthly chart

Shows total number of form submissions for group activities done on your website. This includes form submissions such as meeting/ Wedding RFP. This is shown only for accommodation vertical.

Milestone CMS

Overall Performance > Scorecard (Paid Media)






Scorecard (Paid Media)

ROAS (Return on Ad. Spend) represents the revenue earned per amount spent on advertising. Shown only when there are active paid media campaigns

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and Meta


Scorecard (Paid Media)

Total revenue gained from Paid Media: Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads and Meta. Shown only when there are active paid media campaigns

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and Meta


Scorecard (Paid Media)

Amount spent on Paid Media campaigns. Shown only when there are active paid media campaigns

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and Meta


Scorecard (Paid Media)

Number of users who come via Paid ads and have completed a pre-defined goal on the website such as Form Fill-up, RFP Submission, Sharing Contact Info Form, Click to Booking Engine, and more. This metric is shown only when there are active paid media campaigns but Revenue cannot be booked from your website. 

Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads

CPA (Leads)

Scorecard (Paid Media)

Cost per acquisition (CPA) is calculated as the cost divided by the number of leads generated on your website by users coming via Paid ads. This metric is shown only when there are active paid media campaigns but Revenue cannot be booked from your website. 

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads

Paid Media Performance






Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Return On Advertising Spending represents the revenue earned per amount spent on advertising.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or Meta


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total revenue gained from Paid Media: Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads and Meta.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or Meta



Cost per action (CPA) is calculated as the cost divided by the number of booking transactions done on your website when user comes via paid ads.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or Meta



Number of times users visited your website through Paid Channel.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads



Number of times your Paid Media Ads were displayed in Search Engine results/Social platforms.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or Meta


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Number of users who have completed a pre-defined goal on the website such as Form Fill-up, RFP Submission, Sharing Contact Info Form, Click to Booking Engine and more when the user comes to the website via Paid ads. This metric is shown only when Revenue cannot be booked from your website.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads

CPA (Leads)


Cost per acquisition (CPA) is calculated as the cost divided by the number of leads generated on your website by users coming via Paid channels. This metric is shown only when there are active paid media campaigns but Revenue cannot be booked from your website. 

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads

Paid Channels Performance Comparison

Vertical Stacked bar chart

Shows comparison of different Paid channels for different metrics like Revenue or Leads, Cost, Clicks, and Impressions. Chart will show Leads when Revenue data cannot be booked from your website.

Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads or Meta

Organic Performance






Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Total revenue generated on your website by users accessing the site from unpaid (or “organic”) search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines

Google Analytics



Total number of successful online transactions done by users accessing the site from unpaid (or “organic”) search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines

Google Analytics

Website Leads


Total number of Website leads generated from the website by users accessing the site from unpaid (or “organic”) search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines

Google Analytics


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Number of times users visited your website from unpaid (or “organic”) search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines

Google Analytics



Click-through rate (calculated as Clicks / Impressions * 100) is the percentage of users who click on your website URL from a Search results page, not including clicks on paid search results

Google Search Console


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

The number of times any URL from your site appeared in search results viewed by a user, not including paid ads search impressions

Google Search Console

Rich Results

Horizontal stacked bar chart

Shows breakdown of Impressions by Rich result type which are designed to highlight key information and help search engines understand a page’s purpose as accurately as possible. The sum of all Rich Result type impressions may not match total organic impressions because Google does not assign Rich Result type to all impressions.

Google Search Console

Local Performance







Total revenue generated on your website by users accessing the site from business listings on Google, Bing, Facebook, and Foursquare

Google Analytics



Total number of successful online transactions done by users accessing the site from business listings on Google, Bing, Facebook and Foursquare

Google Analytics

Website Leads


Total number of Website leads generated from the website by users accessing the site from business listings on Google, Bing, Facebook and Foursquare

Google Analytics



Number of times users visited your website from business listings on Google, Bing, Facebook, and Foursquare

Google Analytics


Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

The number of times any business listing appeared in search results/ maps viewed by a user

GMB and Bing

Customer Actions

Scorecard, Monthly bar chart

Shows the sum of Call You, Request Directions, Visit to Website from Google and Yelp listings

GMB and Yelp

Performance Across Channels

Vertical Stacked bar chart

Shows comparison of Google, Bing and Yelp listings for different metrics like Impressions, Visits to Website, Request Directions and Call You.

GMB, Bing and Yelp

Audience Overview





Sessions By Channel

Pie chart & Table

Shows breakdown of Sessions by Channels

Google Analytics

Sessions By Device Type

Pie chart & Table

Shows breakdown of Sessions by Device types like mobile, tablet or desktop for different users

Google Analytics

Sessions By Gender

Pie chart & Table

Shows the number of times users of certain type (male/female) visited your website. Note: Demographic data is only available for a subset of users and may not represent, and may not represent the overall composition of traffic.

Google Analytics

Sessions By Geography (Top 10 Cities)

Pie chart & Table

Shows breakdown of Sessions by Geography for the top 10 cities

Google Analytics