Published Log Overview

Once you have added and published FAQs you can via the status of the FAQs in the ‘Publish Log’. 

The 'Publish Log' displays FAQs or the URLs to which they were published, the status of the FAQs, and those that are deleted. 

Grouped by FAQ

The ‘Grouped by FAQ’ tab displays the Q&As, the status of the FAQ, the channels they were published to, the date of publishing, the publisher, and if there are any errors in publishing, the re-publish option.

By clicking on the status corresponding to a Q&A you can view the status, any errors, or the source they have been published to. Errors are displayed in red, Q&As that have been submitted but are pending publish are displayed in amber, and published Q&As are displayed in green. 

To the top of this section, you can use the search bar to look for specific Q&As using words or phrases from the Q&As. 

Use the toggle to view published Q&As as well as Deleted Q&As. 

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The Deleted section displays the status, the source where it has been deleted from, the deleted date and the individual that deleted the Q&A

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Using FAQ Filters

You can filter Q&As by source and Q&A or content type. 

Click in the 'Source' drop-down and choose a source to view FAQs from - those that have been published or deleted. 

The 'Content-Type' dropdown allows you to select between FAQ types - Standard FAQs in the Q&A format and How-to FAQs. 

Group by URL

The Grouped by URL tab displays the URLs to which FAQs have been published


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This section displays the type of FAQ published, the status of the FAQ, the publish date, and the publisher. 

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By clicking on the status, you can view the errors or the published FAQ. 

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Here too you can view deleted FAQs by clicking on the 'Deleted' tab. 

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You can filter Q&As by their content type, FAQ or how-to FAQs. 

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