FAQ Pre-Requisite Checklist

Learn the pre-requisites for onboarding to FAQ Manager.

Welcome to Milestone FAQ Manager. To ensure the smooth onboarding of your business we have prepared a checklist of items that you need to provide to your Customer Success Manager (CSM). These details help us expedite your onboarding and optimize your experience on Milestone FAQ Manager. 

Business Information 

  • Business Name: 
  • Address 1 & Address 2, City, State, Country, Zip Code: 
  • Phone:  
  • URL: 

Competitor Information 

  • Competitor 1:  
  • Competitor 2:  
  • Competitor 3:   

Alexa Skill Details 

Please complete the Alexa Skill Setup Information Form provided by you Customer Success Manager. This form includes details like, Alexa skill invocation name, skill description, public name, etc. 

Google Access: 

Google Search Console   

Instructions on granting GSC access   

Google Analytics 

Instructions on granting GA access   

Google Tag Manager 

Google Business Profile 

For individual business access use: 5265682274  

For group business access 5580309839 for group business 

Implement Milestone FAQ Script

Whitelist Milestone IP: or 

FAQ Script Implementation (GTM or Hardcode into Head Section)

 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://faq.milestoneinternet.com/faq/msfaqloaderscript.js"></script> 

FAQ implementation via hardcode to head section

Client implements Milestone FAQ (JS) Script via Hardcode in the <head> section of the site. Or via the Tag Manager tool on all or specific pages.   

  • Please create a new tag in GTM named “MS-Schema” and add the above script.  
  • Trigger on All Pages – Priority 1 
  • Add a DIV tag: <div id="ms_faqholder">&nbsp;</div> to the designated section of the webpage so that the loader script can insert the FAQs in this designated tag. 

 Content and Keyword Direction

  • Top Pages
  • Brand Q
  • Services/Solutions provided
  • Topics 

Once you have provided your Customer Success Manager with the required information the Milestone team will update it to the Milestone Presence Cloud for distribution across Milestone FAQ Manager.