Seo Panel

MilestoneCMS’ SEO Panel offers you transparency into all the SEO parameters taken care of by our CMS and displays the current status of the SEO parameters with actionable insights. Everything SEO that your business needs to take care of is categorized in the key sections to ensure your website has met all the requirements to be visible on search right from the get-go. 

TheMilestone CMS SEO Panel currently offers you insights on:  

1. Page Experience 

The Page Experience section of the SEO Panel allows you to see whether your page meets Google’s Core Web Vitals requirements, which checks for the performance, responsiveness, and visual stability of the page. Core Web Vitals are a ranking factor on Google as well. The mobile-friendliness of the page checks if the page has all the requirements to perform well on mobile devices by using templates and accelerated mobile pages (AMPs). The HTTPS certificate is verified to ensure you meet the security requirements for Google to trust your page. To check if site speed is managed efficiently the presence of CMS caching and CDN caching is included as well. Meeting all these requirements tells Google that your page is trustworthy and gives your users a good on-page experience. 


2.Crawling and Indexing 

The discovery of your content is paramount when it comes to SEO and ensuring search engines are aware of your content and indexing your pages for search is a foundational step in SEO strategies. As crawling and indexing of pages are one of the major pain points for most businesses, Milestone’s SEO panel addresses this issue with the Crawling and Indexing section, ensuring your pages provide search engines with all the required information to crawl and index them for relevant searches.  

To ensure your pages are indexed right from the get-go, your pages are checked forMulti-language Sitemaps, robots.txt files, required redirect settings, efficient JavaScript management, and image optimization by verifying alt tags and meta tags have been updated. 

3.  Content and Relevancy

Content is KING and search engines trust information that is structured, detailed, and complete, ensuring that your content meets these parameters is vital for maximizing the impact of your SEO strategy. Milestone’s SEO Panel lets you check if your content has titles and descriptions when required if there is any duplication of content across pages, whether localization is complete for multi-language pages, and how digital assets like images and videos are managed.

4. Schema and Clickability

Context and relevance are becoming increasingly important when it comes to relevance on search engines and entity optimization seems to be taking center stage in Google’s ecosystem. This technical SEO technique allows you to optimize your website content and inform search engines about the context of a page, enabling search engines to deliver your content as rich results for relevant queries. The Clickability& Schema section lets you see if schema, or structured data, has been deployed on your website, the placement of keywords through the content on your site so that it is accurately indexed for relevant searches, and whether titles and meta descriptions have been added for your URLs.


Accessing SEO Panel

Once you have logged onto Milestone CMS, on the dashboard, click on ‘SEO Panel’under the SEO bucket.  


You can also use the quick access search bar to access the SEO Panel. Simply type in the keywords ‘SEO Panel’ to reach the screen.  


You will then be taken to the SEO Panel screen to view an update of all the SEO aspects our CMS is taking care of for your website.  



Imagelazy loading - Instead of loading all images of a page at once when a URL is opened, improve the page experience by only loading those images that are necessary. With image lazy loading. otherimages which are below the first fold shall be loaded after. 

MinifiedCSS - Cascading Style Sheets are used to style and layout web pages which forms the presentation of the web page on a screen. In order to improve the page load, unnecessary characters in the source code are removed to reduce the CSS file size and improve the page experience.  

MinifiedJS - With JavaScript used for web development, bulky code will result in slowing down the page speed. Minifying JS code will eliminate unnecessary characters without altering the prime function of the web page to improve the page experience.  

Mobiletemplate - Ensuring your content can be read easily on mobile devices is a must and the mobile template ensures mobile responsiveness of the web page.  

Tablettemplate - Ensuring your content can be read easily on tablet devices is a must and the mobile template ensure responsiveness of the web page for tablets. 

HTTPSEnabled - HTTPS is a validation that the website is secure with encrypted data transfer to protect user information against any hacking or data theft 

CMSCaching - Caching is the process of storing data so that future requests by a frequent website user can be delivered faster. CMS caching ensures that the process is undertaken to improve the page load time and page experience.  

CDNCaching - CDN Caching is the process of storing data on proxy servers that are closer to the user to ensure faster delivery of content and improve the page experience of the website.  

AMP- Accelerated Mobile Pages are lightweight pages with stripped-down code to improve the load speed of pages and experience when viewed on mobile devices.  

ADAEnabled - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against disability. This together with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG2.1) are a set of guidelines to make web content accessible for all by offering text alternatives (large print, braille, speech, symbols, or simpler language) for those with disabilities. 

Websitesitemap - A website sitemap is a file that contains the structure and list of pages, videos, images, other files, and their relationship with each other to make it easy for the website and its pages to be indexed by search engine bots.  

Imagesitemap - An image sitemap is a file that contains the structure and list of images on a page to make it easy for the images to be identified easily and indexed by search engine bots. 

Videositemap - A video sitemap is a file that contains the structure and list of videos on a page to make it easy for the videos on the website to be identified and indexed by search engine bots.  

Redirects- 301 redirections are when the URL has been shifted to another location permanently. This is necessary to avoid 404errors and maintain the page's traffic and ranking.  

JSlazy loading - Instead of loading the whole JS code at once, lazy loading delays the load of the JS code that is not used for the first interaction of the website visitor with the web page. Therest of the JS code will load only after the first interaction.  

Robot.txt- Robot.txt are files that help the searchengine bot identify the list of web pages that have to be crawled and indexed. If not for robot.txt files the bots will crawl all the website pages - even those you do not wish to be ranked on search.  

Robotssitemap entry - This allows search engine bots to identify the sitemap file to help the search engine bot identify the list of web pages that have to be crawled and indexed.