Settings Overview

This screen lets you configure Schema Manager to discover your website pages, upload your web pages, recrawl pages to include fresh content, and append or add new URLs while retaining the existing URLs that have already been crawled. Once the Schema Manager has been connected to your website, you can choose how you want to fetch the page URLs from the below options:

  • Append: Add new page URLs while retaining the existing page URLs.
  • Recrawl: Recrawl the existing pages to update the webpage schema.
  • Discover: Allow Milestone to automatically analyze the website to discover webpages that require schemas.
  • Upload: Milestone Schema Manager allows you to upload URLs and assign groups to similar URLs to add webpage schemas to them.
  • Delete: You can upload a list of URLs that you want to delete webpage schemas for to Milestone Schema Manager.

You also need to select the user agent – desktop or mobile. Once done, click on ‘Start Crawl’ to initiate fetching of URLs in Schema Manager.

Note: Only once pages have been crawled can any action of tagging, generating, and publishing of schemas be carried out. Your existing live schema is not affected for recrawled pages. If there is a content update in the pages after recrawl, it is recommended to review and republish the schema so that the web page always has the schema referring to the latest content.

To the right you can see the following options;

Crawl History: This displays the last action carried out in the URL Settings.

URL Grouping: This allows you to group URLs that have similar content. You can download the template for URL grouping from here, add the URL list and groups and upload it here.

Download: You can download a list of the current schemas present on Milestone Schema Manager along with the schemas deployed on them, the number of errors, the number of warnings, the URL Health, the status of the schemas, the last action carried out along with the date and time.