Status & Filters

Publishing schemas in group

Group publishing in Milestone Schema Manager helps to deploy schema at scale across multiple similar pages. The following are various statuses that you may encounter within a group as you group publish schema from a seed URL:


Pages that have schema published successfully during group publishing.

Page Element Mismatch  

During group publishing, a slight variation in the structure of a child page and seed page may result in one or more properties of a schema in the child page not returning the expected value. In such a case, the schema is partially generated with the matching elements in the child page but not published, pending a review by humans. Such URLs are shown with Page element mismatch status (also referred to as URLs with partially updated schema).
Schema Validation Failure  

If specific schema validation rules are not adhered to, a Validation Failure error will occur. The underlying schema of the affected child page will be partially generated but not published, pending a review by humans.

Internal Service Error 

This is a temporary system error. Republishing the schema for the affected page can resolve this issue. No schema is generated in this case. If there was an existing schema before group publishing for the affected URL, it stays unaffected. 
Template mismatch  

This error occurs when the child page structure is significantly different from the seed page structure. No schema is generated in this case. If there is an existing schema on a page before the group publishing, it remains unaffected.

Within a group, you can view the status summary at the top, which helps you to filter and view the URLs belonging to the desired category.

Click on the count against the status to view the URLs with the respective statuses

Reset the filter by clicking on X

The following statuses are covered in the status summary:

  1. Published
     Pages to which schema has been published successfully.
  2. Pending Publish
     Pages that do not have any schema published fall under this category 
  3. Partially updated
     These pages have page element mismatches and have been partially updated, requiring and manual review before publishing.
  4. Failed
     An internal service error has occurred. Republishing the schema can resolve this issue.
  5. Template mismatch
     Pages that have a template mismatch between the seed and child URL fall under this category.
  6. Validation failure
     A page having validation failure status falls under this category
  7. Group publish in progress
     Signifies that group publish is in progress for that group


Note: Any child URL with 3xx/4xx/5xx status is skipped during group publish