Completeness Score

Completeness Score is an indicator of how your business’s location(s) are performing in local directory listings. The score is calculated by matching the URL, Name, Address, Phone (i.e. UNAP) and other fields such as GMB Special Hours, Categories, etc., stored in Presence Cloud against the UNAP displayed on the local listings.

Completeness Score can be calculated for:

  1. Completeness Score of a location for 1 directory: A location’s performance for 1 directory
  2. Completeness Score of a location: A location’s overall performance across all directories
  3. Completeness Score of a business: A business’s overall Completeness Score across all location

Let’s understand this in detail

1. Completeness Score of a location for 1 directory:

In the following example, we see that the ‘Elite Hotel Boston’ has a 100% Completeness Score for Google My Business. That’s because, the URL, Name, Address, Phone (UNAP), Category, Special Hours, etc., details of the Google listing match with the location’s details in Presence Cloud.

This score can be viewed in the Single Listing Status screen (click a location from Listing Status by Location screen) or Partner Performance screen (click the fulfillment progress for a directory in Listing Status by Source screen).

II. Completeness Score of a Location (across all directories)

The individual Completeness Scores for all directories of a location are aggregated to calculate the overall Completeness Score of a location. For example, if a location has 5 directories mapped - the Completeness Scores of 3 directories are 100% and 2 directories are 50%, the overall Completeness score is calculated the following way:

Completeness Score of location

= average of completeness scores for each directory

= average of (3 x 100% + 2 x 50%)

= 80%

III. Completeness Score of a business (across all locations)

The overall Completeness Score of a business is calculated by aggregating the Completeness Scores of each location.

For example, if a business has 3 locations and the individual Completeness Scores are 90%, 80% and 65%, the overall Completeness Score of the business is calculated in the following way:


Completeness Score of business

= average of completeness scores of each location

= average of (90%, 80%, 65%)

= 78.33%

The overall Completeness Score of a business can be viewed from the Completeness Trend section that displays the profile completeness over a period of time.