Home Page Overview

Schema Analysis

The Schema Analysis provides you with a quick overview of schema deployment across your web pages and actions you need to take on existing schema pages. 

The data tiles to the top of the screen provide you numerical data on 

Total URLs: The number of URLs crawled

URLs with Schema: URLs that have structured data 

URLs without Schema: URLs that do not have structured data 

Errors: The number of pages that are displaying an error 

Warnings: Pages that have Schema validation warnings 

Unique Schema: The number of unique schemas deployed across all pages crawled 

Schema Completeness

The chart provides you a visual representation of the number of URLs with schema deployed versus URLs without schema deployed 

What actions do I need to focus on? 

The ‘What Actions Do I Need to Focus On?’ section insights into Errors, Warnings, and Unique Schemas. By clicking on the data tiles, you will be able to view insights for each. 

Click on ‘View’ to start taking actions to resolve the error/warning 

The Actions section displays the URLs for which the error/warning is present, the status of the schema, details of the error/warning. 

You can use the searchbar to the top right of the Actions section to find specific URLs 

You can filter results using the ‘Status’ dropdown menu to the right of the search bar to filter results by Status

To take actions to resolve the errors/warnings click on ‘Fix’ 

What Search Engines Know About You

Scroll down to the ‘What Search Engines Know About You’ section. This will give you an overview of how search engines interpret the structured data on your web pages.

Schema Distribution 

The Schema Distribution section provides you a quick overview of the health of the Schema deployed across your pages.  

The graph provides you a visual representation of Errors and Warnings occurring in schema deployment across URLs 

To the top right, you can click on the ‘table’ icon to get a tabular view of the health of your schema across pages 

You can use the column dropdown menu to include or exclude columns in this section