MPC Dashboard Basics

Milestone Presence Cloud is a one-stop digital marketing platform that lets you manage and track your performance on various channels. When you login to the platform, you shall see the main dashboard like the one displayed below:

Once logged onto MPC, the new dashboard will display the key and most important KPIs for each product that you have subscribed to at a single glance. For the selected profiles and date range, you will now see the metrics that matter to your business the most. 

1. Dashboard widgets for each module

Milestone Presence Cloud is modular in structure. The platform offers 6 main modules – Local, Reviews, Analytics, Insights, Reviews, and CMS. You shall only see the modules that have been subscribed by your business. Each widget on this homepage dashboard summarizes the performance of each module.

 If you wish to deep dive and view the holistic report of your metrics, simply click on the metric if you’re viewing your website performance or on the view button to be taken into the product which displays the metric you’ve just viewed on the dashboard. 

To access a module or product and view an in-depth analysis, click on the 'view' button. 

2. Filters

The Presence Cloud dashboard by default shows performance of the business across all locations (or Profiles), for the last 7 days. Therefore, the 308 reviews that you see on the Reviews widget (above) basically implies that the business garnered 308 reviews across the various locations inside the business in the last 7 days. Similarly, the 2.1 M traffic that you see in the analytics widget is the total website traffic for all locations of the business in the last 7 days.

You can slice and dice your performance by using filters on the top of your screen:

Here are some useful filters:

Filter by profile or subset of profiles

Country-wise filter

State-wise filter

City-wise filter

Custom filters (that you can define)

Date-wise filter

The Date filter allows you to choose from popular options such as last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, this year, last year, etc. For custom date ranges, click on ‘Custom’ option:

For performance comparisons, you can further use the ‘Compare’ option:

3. Navigation tabs

Navigation tabs corresponding to each of the modules. You can click on these tabs to go to the detailed dashboard for the module.

For example, if you click on the 'More' on Local, you shall be navigated to the Local dashboard:

4. Settings

Finally, the administration part of the Presence Cloud can be accessed from the top-right-hand corner of the dashboard:

The user icon is for user management purpose:

The settings icon is for the Business or Profile settings:

To know more about the user/business/profile management section, check out our articles on User Role. 

5. Knowledge Base

To get quick help and know about workflows within the product you're working on, click on the '?' mark.