Adding Annotations

Knowing the key changes or updates that have been made to improve your business’s performance on search is required for a business to take strategic steps. With annotations on the trend graphs on the key screens of Schema Manager, your business will know exactly the changes or updates that caused a growth in your search performance.

You will see annotations for key Schema Manager widgets – Schema Summary, Schema Visibility, and Search Performance (Pages and Rich Results) to show businesses the key updates that have been carried out over a selected date period.

Step 1: Click on the dropdown option below the widget.

Step 2: Click on 'Create New Annotation' at the top right of this dropdown section.

Step 3: Use the dropdown menus to select;

  • Businesses: The businesses on which the annotation will be visible.
  • Profiles: The profiles on which the annotation will be visible.
  • Modules: The Milestone products on which this annotation will appear.
  • Widgets: The data widgets to which this annotation should be deployed.
  • Metrics: The metrics for which this annotation should appear.
  • Select Event: You can select from a pre-defined event in the dropdown or use the 'Add Event' option at the bottom of this dropdown to add a custom event. Once you add an Event Type a dialogue box will appear next to it, here you can add a small description of the event that occurred.

Step 4: Select the date of the event.

Step 5: Click on 'Apply' once you have applied all the fields to deploy the annotation.

Step 6: The annotation will now appear in the table within the annotation dropdown menu.