Wondering what the following 6/6/ 5/5 4/4, 3/4, 0/4, 2/2 mean on Listing Status reports?

Well, UNAP consistency is critical to perform well in Local SEO. What that means is – each of your locations MUST have consistent details for URL, Name, Address, Phone(U-N-A-P), special hours, category, etc., across directories. The Milestone presence Cloud syncs the correct UNAP and other fields stored in Profile Summary with the directories that have been set up and displays the consistency match status on the listing status reports.

Here are some scenarios to help you understand the above scores:

1. 100% (4/4) (5/5) (6/6)

All 4 out of 4 UNAP elements – the URL, Name, Address & Phone number displayed on the directory listing for the location is currently matching with the UNAP details stored in Presence Cloud. Also, since all 4 of 4 UNAP elements are matching, the completeness score for that directory is 100%. 5/5 is UNAP+ Special Hours or Category and 6/6 signifies that UNAP+ Special Hours+ Category data on the directory is in sync with what’s stored on Presence Cloud.

2. 75% (3/4)

3 out of 4 UNAP elements in the directory listing are matching with the UNAP stored in Presence Cloud. Now the obvious question you would have is - which one is not matching. Right? To check this, click on the expand button:

As you can see, the phone number in Presence Cloud’s Local module (on the left) does not match the information on the Superpages directory. Also, since 3 of 4 elements are matching, the completeness score for that directory is 75%.

3. 0% (0/4)

If the status displays 0/4 which means that none of UNAP matches, it implies that either:

  • None of the If the details of the listing are correct (maybe because URL itself is incorrect), or

  • Listing does not exist

  • Kindly reach out to your CSM if this issue persists. Also, since none of U-N-A-P matches, the Completeness Score for the directory is 0%.

4. 100% (2/2)

Only 2 of UNAP (e.g., Name and Address) are being listed by the directory. The details for both are matching with the location details stored in Presence Cloud. Therefore, the completeness score is 100%.

The same logic shall explain cases where you see (3/3) as well where 3 of the UNAP elements are being listed by the directory.