4 ways you can improve property reviews

In order to improve your business’s online reputation, you need to listen to what your customers are saying, track your competitors and engage with your customers. Here are 4 things you can do with Milestone Presence Cloud to boost your online reputation:

1. Measure your performance against each source LISTEN: While looking at an aggregate of your ratings does tell you a lot about how your customers think about you, a deeper look at each of the sources can give you better insights. We often observe variations in ratings on different sources and ratings / reviews by source. Use the ‘Review Source’ filter for this.





 This shows that your online reputation on Yelp for the location needs to be improved.

2. Lookout for ‘Trending Keywords’ LISTEN:

While its important to go through each review in details, its equally important to look for patterns – whether there are multiple customers talking about the same issue in the reviews. The ‘Trending Keywords’ in My Reviews can help you spot repeating words across reviews. 

So, if ‘dirty’ appeared 21 times – Dirty(21) - in the 117 reviews of a location, then cleanliness is something that the business can work on for the location. You can further click on the count to scan through all the reviews with the particular keyword. 

3. Track competitor reviews TRACK COMPETITORS:

Tracking competitors for each location is critical to see what’s working for them and what’s not. If one of your sources (such as Google) are not performing as per your expectations, you might wish to compare your profile’s rating with that of your competitors’. 

4. Personalized response to customer reviews ENGAGE:

You need to proactively reach out to customers for reviews on various platforms. But once they do so, make sure that you respond to them. Ideally, reviews should be responded within 24-48 hours of review submission. Negative ratings if responded positively can lead to improvement in ratings. Presence Cloud not only displays all ratings and reviews, it allows you to respond to Google, Yelp or Facebook reviews on MPC for all your locations:

For best results, its important to provide personalized responses. Presence Cloud lets you pre-configure responding templates that your business users can choose from to respond to reviews:
