Bulk Upload Lodging Amenities

Lodging Amenities – Bulk Operations 

Opportunity: Update Lodging Amenities across multiple locations in bulk to save time. 

Solution: We now support bulk operations for Lodging Amenities, so you can update amenities across locations and improve your chances of appearing on results for specific amenities like swimming pools, play areas,  air conditioning, WiFi. etc. 

MPC > Local > Settings 

From the Dashboard click on Settings icon on the top right of the screen 



From the settings page click on the three-dot menu and navigate to the Bulk Upload/Download  


From the Bulk Upload/Download page you can download a Sample Excel by clicking on ‘Download Profile Attributes’ 


And then click on Download 


The Download Profile Attributes excel will appear in the section below. Click on Download to download a sample Excel 


You can fill Lodging Amenities section by referencing the Lodging Amenities Reference sheet in the Excel. This displays the amenities that can be included and how they can be filled. 

Add the amenities to the Lodging Amenities section of the excel and specify whether it is offered or not. 


Use the Bulk Upload Profile Attributes option to upload the excel sheet