What are Rating & Reviews?

Various local directories such as Google, Yelp, Facebook, TripAdvisor now allows customers to rate their experiences about a business on their platform and even enter reviews. A customer visiting a vehicle service centre can later rate his experience by giving 0-5 stars and share a text review on the Google listing of the business:

The directories typically display an average of the review, review count and a list of all reviews by customers.

What is Online Reputation Management? Is Online Reputation Management important?

Customers are increasingly seeking peer reviews before deciding to actually buy a product or book a service. As they do so, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to secure good ratings and reviews. It’s not only important to listen to customers and identify suggestions to improve, it’s also important to engage with them and at times even perform damage control of reputation. However, as the number of listing directories (such as Google, Facebook, Yelp, TripAdvisor) are growing, it’s getting increasingly challenging for multi-location businesses to actively track online reputation and engage with audience across channels for various locations. This is where an Online Reputation Management tool such as Milestone Presence Cloud’s Reviews can help a business. With Milestone Presence Cloud’s “Reviews” module, you shall be able to manage your business’s online reputation across locations and directories from a central place.


What are some of the things I can do with Milestone Presence Cloud Reviews?

With Presence Cloud, you can do the following:

  • Track ratings and reviews for multiple directories for all your business locations from one place
  • Slice and dice the ratings & reviews you receive by date range, property, review source, ratings. Also search for a text across reviews
  • Track trending keywords across multiple reviews (e.g. if dirty is a trending keyword, that could indicate the need to improve cleanliness)
  • Directly respond to customer reviews on Facebook, Google, Yelp from Presence Cloud. You can also configure a set of standard responses against various ratings (We are delighted.. for a 5 star rating; We are concerned…for a 1 star rating)  
  • Track competitor reviews for various locations and use them for benchmarking purposes (e.g. a 3.1 rating versus a 4.5 rating of competitor on Yelp can help you gauge why the business has not been performing on Yelp off-late).