Lesson 1: Why does your business need Milestone Schema Manager?

Schemas play an important role in entity recognition as they give search engine bots context of the content and the relationship between entities on a website. In the process, Schemas: 

  • Increase the visibility of a website through increase in impressions, clicks and the overall organic traffic as the website content wrapped in schemas are displayed as rich results online

  • As mentioned, they increase the relevance of the content as they give search engines clear context of the website content

  • Increased real estate on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) for content categories like FAQ, Q&A, Rich snippets, Recipes, Breadcrumbs, etc. 

However, implementing schemas come with certain challenges: 

Challenges of Schema Management

While it is established that schemas are important, applying schemas across a website (considering some websites have thousands of pages) could prove to be a complex affair. Apart from the bulk effort that is required to tag each page with structured data, the biggest challenges for businesses is that schemas have a complex architecture and would require writer + IT Development + SEO expertise to deploy schemas and in addition, the process isn’t a one-time effort as any change to the Schema Vocabulary would result in errors or warnings and content changes on the website would need to be addressed with the relevant schema. 

And here’s where Milestone’s Schema Manager comes to annul such challenges. 

Milestone Schema is a schema deployment software with a comprehensive schema health monitoring system to ensure your website stays error-free forever.